Monthly Archives: July 2014

When patients sign up for multiple long term conditions…

We all must have experienced or seen at some time the “heart sink” patient who may need a large bag to take home their medicines.

Statistics show that we are living longer and the NHS is becoming more efficient at diagnosing conditions accurately with a plethora of medicines choice.

Whether it be diabetes/respiratory/cardiovascular/rheumatology or the ”complete package” there will be years of dedicated and professional care to ensure the core values of the NHS are maintained.

“Multiple long term conditions-pharmacy led medicines optimisation” will be featured in a Satellite at the Pharmacy Management National Forum.

Register to attend at

Joint Working is not mentioned only in the Orthopaedic department…..

What do you do if two parties need each other but find it difficult to talk?

Each works for an organisation which has strict rules of engagement and needs evidence of benefit coupled with reassurance that others have gained positively from the experience.

This conundrum relates to the NHS and the British pharmaceutical industry.

But fear not………..

The Pharmacy Management National Forum not only creates the environment for people to network and talk but this year there will be a Satellite Session on the very subject of “Joint-Working”—not delivered by an Orthopaedic Surgeon but by a very senior and well respected pharmacist……………………………..who has a story to tell of success.

Register now at


Terminology in the state healthcare sector can be confusing, often even for those working within it.

A new term currently doing the rounds is “REPATRIATION” and the early signs are that this single word could have multiple ramifications.

In layman’s language the move is on to transfer some drugs back in to hospital from primary care and enable to secondary care sector to procure even more efficiently.

–          But like many simple concepts there is the potential for “much a slip twixt cup and lip”

–          Moving responsibility carries with it many attendant questions both for hospital pharmacy and primary care commissioners.

NHS England will be leading a Satellite Session at the Pharmacy Management National Forum on November 18th to discuss latest initiatives in Specialised Commissioning.

Don’t miss out on this intriguing new development….and many others.

Register for a pharmacist bursary at

Tour de Forum… Are we there yet?!

Without doubt, the Tour de France was an outstanding success here in England.

As the event now continues its journey through the French streets and countryside, it got me thinking about our own journey…

  • In 2012 our National Forum commenced with “Making the Journey”
  • This was a stunning success, so last year we came up with our snappy Forum title of “The Journey Continues”
  • And so to 2014… where we have naturally progressed to “Are we there yet?”

I’m sure many a Tour cyclist is currently asking the question: “Are we there yet”?!

And the answer is:

No, not yet guys… A few more weeks to go yet.

And for most of you – but sadly not Chris Froome or Mark Cavendish – you will get there.

The cyclists spend many years training their bodies for maximum performance and in the same way we need to train ourselves to get the most out of our chosen profession.

So, can we help you take the lead with the ‘Yellow Jersey’?

Someone once said that “knowledge is power”

At our Forum, you will get to learn about and share ideas and best practice in medicines optimisation.

It is a collaborative learning environment where the NHS and Industry partners come together to work to improve patient care.

So, please do come along to the Novotel on 18th November wheel (we’ll) make sure you’re on the right track for success!

Still not convinced?

How about the fact that we also have Top ‘Spokes’ persons including: Steve Head (Fellow of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management) and Deborah Evans FRPharmS (Director of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Management)

Ride on…


You will never walk alone…

Sometimes being a community pharmacist must feel lonely…..

There is however a growing trend of thought that this university educated and people wise resource could be utilised beneficially to maintain and improve patient care.

  • Keeping patients out of hospital and maintaining their health in their home setting plus unblocking GP Surgeries has a nice appeal and high topicality feel about it.
  • The phrase “joined up thinking” has been used to describe many initiatives in the NHS over the years but maybe……just maybe…..there is a new and very relevant meaning to it.

Come to the Pharmacy Management National Forum and hear how Hospital Clinical Pharmacists are working with the local LPN to up-skill Community Pharmacists in Clinical skills to input to the medicines optimisation of chronic long term conditions.

Register for a pharmacy bursary at

See you on November 18th