For many pharmacists, CPD is an extreme form of homework.
It’s difficult to do it during the day, juggling the other demands on us, so we have to do it after hours. Then we have to rummage around for something we want to learn.
How happy, then, is the pharmacist who comes to the Pharmacy Management National Forum.
He or she will hear a keynote address, and then attend three satellites from a list of over 20.
The choice is theirs, so it reflects the things they need to learn. On top of that, they’ve got ample time to roam the Learning Zone looking at over 70 posters.
If you can’t find 9 items of CPD there, all in one place on one day, there’s something wrong!
To help this year we’ve got a CPD planning sheet delegates can fill in before the day.
It’s theirs to do with as they want, and you can download it along with the list of satellites and posters but I urge early action as the National Forum is on Tuesday 18th November!