Monthly Archives: October 2014

Is this what they mean by a “Labour of Love”?

For many pharmacists, CPD is an extreme form of homework.
It’s difficult to do it during the day, juggling the other demands on us, so we have to do it after hours. Then we have to rummage around for something we want to learn.

How happy, then, is the pharmacist who comes to the Pharmacy Management National Forum.

He or she will hear a keynote address, and then attend three satellites from a list of over 20.
The choice is theirs, so it reflects the things they need to learn. On top of that, they’ve got ample time to roam the Learning Zone looking at over 70 posters.

If you can’t find 9 items of CPD there, all in one place on one day, there’s something wrong!
To help this year we’ve got a CPD planning sheet delegates can fill in before the day.
It’s theirs to do with as they want, and you can download it along with the list of satellites and posters but I urge early action as the National Forum is on Tuesday 18th November!

Buddy, can you spare a dime?

We would all like to innovate, but it’s hard enough doing the day job at the moment, isn’t it?

Even if you have the ideas – and the Pharmacy Management National Forum is all about ideas – there’s the small matter of funding that can get in the way.

Research involves devoting a lot of time to both the work itself and the grant applications that inevitably go with it.

The EU is aware of this and has moved to streamline the process and widen access to research funding. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – not to mention any private investment that may follow in matched or sequential funding.

The EU says “Horizon 2020 is open to everyone, with a simple structure that reduces red tape and time so participants can focus on what is really important. This approach makes sure new projects get off the ground quickly – and achieve results faster.”

But don’t take their word for it – Professor Michael Scott (Head of Pharmacy & Medicines Management,  Northern Health & Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland) will talk about Horizon 2020 and  best practice reference sites  as part of his satellite presentation on The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. This aims to add two quality life years to our older citizens by 2020.

(Hint – if you were born before 1970 you might have a personal interest in this!)

  • Who doesn’t want 2 extra QALYs?
  • Who doesn’t want access to research and development funding to drive innovation in their practice?

See you there, then.

Three Reasons to Attend the Pharmacy Management National Forum

During this week, I wanted to make readers aware of 3 very good (compelling) reasons to attend our National Forum on 18th November…

I gave you the first one on Monday …  

Rumour has it that major announcements will be made at the Pharmacy Management National Forum that will shape the direction of travel for medicines optimisation and illustrate the opportunity for pharmacy in both primary and secondary care.

The day after the Forum (November 19th)… you will be a much better advised and knowledgeable individual.

I gave you the second one on Wednesday…

The biggest event in the UK which is focused on Medicines Optimisation and has over 30 Satellite Sessions for delegates to choose from…

National Speakers and Local Best Practice on the same agenda…

Book your place at

And here is the third one…

Many hundreds of delegates have already booked their places thus creating one of the biggest networking events of the year.

Where else could you get the latest information and interpretation of NHS changes?

You can view the list of delegates at

… at the same time you can book your own place

Look forward to seeing you at the Forum on November 18th in Hammersmith

Three Reasons to Attend the Pharmacy Management National Forum

During this week, I want to make readers aware of 3 very good (compelling) reasons to attend our National Forum on 18th November…

Here is the first one…  

Rumour has it that major announcements will be made at the Pharmacy Management National Forum that will shape the direction of travel for medicines optimisation and illustrate the opportunity for pharmacy in both primary and secondary care.

The day after the Forum (November 19th)… you will be a much better advised and knowledgeable individual.

Here is the second one…

The biggest event in the UK which is focused on Medicines Optimisation and has over 30 Satellite Sessions for delegates to choose from…

National Speakers and Local Best Practice on the same agenda…

Book your place at

Whilst there, you can also look at those who have already booked the date in their dairy.

You’ll have to wait until Friday for the final… compelling reason to attend!

Look forward to seeing you at the Forum on November 18th in Hammersmith


Three Reasons to Attend the Pharmacy Management National Forum

During this week, I want to make readers aware of 3 very good (compelling) reasons to attend our National Forum on 18th November…

Here is the first one…  

Rumour has it that major announcements will be made at the Pharmacy Management National Forum that will shape the direction of travel for medicines optimisation and illustrate the opportunity for pharmacy in both primary and secondary care.

The day after the Forum (November 19th)… you will be a much better advised and knowledgeable individual.

Go to  and look at those who have already booked the date in their dairy.

Look forward to seeing you at the Forum on November 18th in Hammersmith