National Forum for Scotland

These meetings are intended for UK Healthcare Professionals and have been developed in accordance with the ABPI Code of Practice.

PM Healthcare events are Quality Assured by the University of Bradford 


Event Name National Forum for Scotland
Location Voco Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow
Start Date 9:45am 12/11/2024
Finish Date 3:30pm 12/11/2024
Booking Closes No longer taking bookings
Places Available
Event Description

Join us for the 2024 National Forum for Scotland - 12th November.



With a range of presenters from both primary and secondary care, this free event offers a worthwhile and practical day for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

The full agenda is available to download below.


Session synopses: 

Opening Plenary:

Effective prescribing and therapeutics: making a difference

Dr Emily Kennedy MRPharmS - Clinical Pharmacist, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, The Scottish Government

Quality prescribing guidance is published by the Effective prescribing and therapeutics division, including diabetes, respiratory and polypharmacy, but what difference does this make? How do they help pharmacists and pharmacy technicians apply the principles of realistic medicines, to do the ‘right thing’ for our patients as well as apply principles of value and sustainable healthcare.  

Recommendations from the guidance and examples of implementation will be shared. The data and resources to assist in implementation of the guidance in practice will be explored, including the Manage Meds app.


Satellite session:

General Practice Pharmacy: recovery, renewal and transformation next steps

Roisin Kavanagh - Director of Pharmacy & Controlled Drug Accountable Officer, NHS Ayrshire & Arran

The session aim is to provide an overview of implementation of the Directors of Pharmacy Scotland “Recovery Renewal and Transformation: A Strategic Framework for General Practice Pharmacy Excellence in Scotland” and progress of the pharmacotherapy aspects of the Primary Care Phased Investment Programme.


Satellite session:

Scotland's First Consultant Pharmacist.  A significant benchmark for Pharmacy and an important development for Cancer

Jennifer Laskey - Clinical Lead Pharmacist for the Cancer Medicines Outcomes Programme, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

This presentation will describe the role of Scotland's first Consultant Pharmacist.  Jennifer will describe her career to date including the Consultant Credentialling process.  She will describe her role as Consultant Pharmacist for the West of Scotland Cancer network and the opportunities for this post to support key priorities for cancer in Scotland.


Satellite session:

How has NHS WALES created a new role for Community Pharmacists that is working and delivering patient care? 

Berwyn Owen - Pharmacist and UK Pharmacy Professional Leadership Advisory Board Independent Expert Member

This presentation will be Community Pharmacy at the heart of patient care. The session will outline the Welsh Government pharmacy strategy "Pharmacy Delivering a Healthier Wales - 2030" and how community pharmacy is pivotal in its delivery to closing the gap on health inequalities.


Satellite session:

How could the role of Pharmacy Technicians change to support workforce pressures?

Hazel Jamieson - Pharmacy Operational Services Manager, NHS Forth Valley; Nick Devonald - Primary Care Pharmacy Technician, NHS Forth Valley & Linda Henderson - Lead Pharmacy Technician Primary Care, NHS GGC

NPTGS members explore the art of the possible of the evolving roles of the Pharmacy Technician and describe a way in which these roles could potentially alleviate workforce pressures.


Satellite session:

Foundation Trainee Pharmacists - How do we practically and effectively develop them into complete and prescribing - ready pharmacists?

Danny Bartlett - Clinical Lead KSS Primary Care School (NHS England), Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) English Pharmacy Board & Assembly member, Senior Lecturer in Medicines Use, University of Brighton. Managing Director, Primary Care Clinical Excellence (PCCE) Ltd.

With newly registered pharmacists joining as prescribers from 2026, how do we adapt and proactively change the foundation training year to incorporate the key prescribing skills they need to flourish. How do we expose the trainees to a variety of clinical settings to incorporate existing GPhC standards with the new ones?"


Satellite session:

Enabling the Pharmacy Workforce to support People with Substance Dependency. What creates the positive culture for best results?

Dr Natalie Weir MPharm PhD - Lecturer / Community Pharmacist, University of Strathclyde

Substance dependency is a significant problem in Scotland, and community pharmacy play a crucial role in supporting recovery and reducing drug-related harm. Research conducted with pharmacy students in Scotland identified exemplary levels of care observed in community pharmacy, yet there was also prominent discrimination towards people with substance dependency .

This talk will present the results of this study and consider “what can we do to create a positive, stigma-free culture”?


Satellite session:

How can Pharmacy deliver research in the day job?

Paul Forsyth, FRPharmS - Lead Pharmacist Clinical Cardiology / Heart Failure Specialist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Research is a key skill set for 'four-pillar' working across all stages of a pharmacy career. This presentation will discuss: a) why research is a vital professional skill for all pharmacy staff members, b) barriers to research in pharmacy, and c) ten 'top tips' to getting started with research. 


Satellite session:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pharmacy: Pitfalls and Possibilities

Stephen Goundrey-Smith, Ethics and Technology Specialist, SGS PharmaSolutions

Everyone’s talking about artificial intelligence (AI), and many people have a view on it – but what are the likely realities of the everyday use of AI in medicines and pharmacy? This presentation will provide a critical evaluation of the transformative possibilities that AI might open up for pharmacy professional practice, and also highlight areas of potential risk for pharmacy, where careful implementation and appropriate use of AI will be necessary.  

Drawing on currently available research on AI systems and their applications in healthcare, the presentation will assess the potential impact of AI on pharmacy teams in three areas: 1) current services, and their possible transformation, 2) the development of new professional roles, and 3) the impact of AI on workforce development and skill mix. The presentation will assess some key areas of risk with AI implementation, and also discuss the implications of AI for currently available pharmacy technologies, and the importance of professional leadership in this area.  

Artificial intelligence is often described either optimistically - as a technology that can achieve anything - or pessimistically – as a disruptive and dangerous force – but careful evaluation of the evidence suggests that the reality lies somewhere in between. This presentation provides a realistic assessment of AI use in pharmacy.  


This event will be funded by Viatris, Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd., Lupin Healthcare, AbbVie Ltd, Pharmacosmos UK Ltd, Daiichi Sankyo, Advanz Pharma & STADA UK Thornton & Ross Ltd through event sponsorship, sponsored satellite sessions and stand sponsorship. These companies have had no input into the design or content of the conference agenda (other than their own sessions) but will be in attendance on the day.

Agenda Download Agenda PDF
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