8 Nov 2019
London West

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Dr Catherine Duggan

Chief Executive Officer, FIP

Dr Catherine Duggan is the Chief Executive Officer of the International Pharmaceutical Federation. She took up the role in The Hague in June 2018. Catherine is responsible for visionary leadership, support, development and advocacy across the 144 member organisations and the four million members FIP represents. She is responsible for developing and delivery the strategy, planning and working across global organisations such as WHO and UN, and other international professional groups. Catherine will chair the World Professions Health Alliance which represents 31 million health professionals across medicine, nursing, dentistry, physiotherapy and pharmacy.

Upon taking up the role, Catherine was awarded an honorary Professorship from the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham. She has been awarded Fellowships of both the RPS and the UCL School of Pharmacy and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Until April 2018, Dr Catherine Duggan was the Director of Professional Development at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, where she was responsible for the delivery of professional advice and support to all members across all sectors; the development of strategies to share and showcase good practice across the profession and development and implementation of professional standards for pharmacy. From 2012, Catherine led the development, implementation and strategic embedding of RPS Faculty and Foundation programmes into continuing professional development.

Dr Duggan has published widely and presented at national and international meetings and has a wealth of people and programme management experience. She is a recognised leader across the profession working with many networks within and across the profession and, more widely, health and business.  Catherine has worked in community, primary care, hospital and academia.  Between 2007 and 2009, Catherine was the Chair of the United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association and then an elected member of the Council of the RPSGB. Catherine is an avid film lover, enjoys singing and travelling, fine wine and dining, sports and dancing.

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